Another mini roatrip...
I took a shuttle from Birmingham to Atlanta to meet the other JH guys at the airport. We drove to Matt's parents' house where we stayed and his dad cooked a great meal for us that night. We hung around the house in Atlanta that night.
We slept in this morning and then met up with Ryan Archer for lunch (former JH Rancher). Ryan works for UPS corporate in Atlanta. It was a great lunch. He had many encouraging words for us and our time at the Ranch.
That night we decided to drive to Athens to stay with Matt's brother David Nolan. We hung out with several JH people that goto UGA and even got to play basketball in the UGA Coliseum.
After a quick breakfast at Chick Fil A we were on the road again. This time we were headed to Savannah, GA for the CCI conference. The drive was about 3 hours.
We met up with Dan's Mom in Savannah for dinner. Dan's mom works for CCI (Christian Camping International). We ate at Lady and Son Restaurant and it was very good. We checked into our hotel and walked around the historic district the rest of the night.
Our purpose for being at this conference is to help the full time staff with anything they need.
This involves alot of AV setup and running errands. Dan is a security guard. We can goto the seminars when we have time.
The historic district of Savannah is beautiful. There are 22 squares located between the city blocks. It is a great layout for a city. I was disapointed we ran out of time to take the tour of the city by trolley car. I did walk around alot though. The city was founded in the early 1700's and is one of the oldest and most historic cities in the south.
I was able to goto a few seminars that were interesting and I met several people who will be great contacts in the future.
While I was there I met a guy who told me his life was dramaticly changed by watching the JH Ranch video. He was very emotional and told me that video is what made him decide to get into Christian Camping as a camp director.
After the conference we drove back to Atlanta and stayed another night at Matt's house. The next morning I took the shuttle back to Birmingham.
Overall, It was a good trip.
Goto this website to see all of my pictures: