Friday, March 10, 2006

My new website!

Click here to see the website I have been working on . It has a long way to go.


chadjohnston1 said...

It's about time. hey it looks like erika and i will be in NC working at a camp this summer. You sould come up and see us. we will be right near the Natahala river and the Ocoee and Pigeon rivers are pretty close too. it would be great to see you again!
here is the camp

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for some smokes man!!! Hey, let's be the first dudes to summit Shasta with a freshly lit HAHA - just kiddin man, the site looks great. - Chris Hackett

Heather said...

harris, i just read all your stories about hiking etc. I had no clue your trip was like that. Okay, I'm sitting in my office in California. It's in the 50's and raining and the AC just kicked on. Ranch euipment for you. Anyways, just wanted to say hi! We miss you out here!!!!